Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Proactive or Reactive Sales more important?

Do you ever spend the time to measure how much time you spend in reaction versus how much time you are proactive? Some people believe that it is in your proactive time that you actually get things done. From my experiences, receiving calls for a lead and closing the deal is more productive than cold calling. Sales blitz, Cold Calls, etc are all good way to receive potential future business, however, you might target 10% of all monies spent in these endevours. On the contrary, while you are out of the office, you receive voicemails from potential clients wanting to work with your facility, however you are unavailable at that given time. I know when I start calling companies for services, I will keep on calling different places till I get to talk to a person. And more than likely, the first few companies that extend prompt service, is the ones I book with. I am not undermining the power of proactive sales, but am just suggesting reaction time to a lead is more important. Please share your thoughts.

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